Merchants and Unlisted Data

Personal Particulars

鄧子杰 Tang Tsz Kit:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
鄧子杰係香港警察嘅一份子。Tang Tsz Kit is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

陳志傑 Chan Chi Kit:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
陳志傑係香港警察嘅一份子。Chan Chi Kit is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

陳君海 Chan Kwan Hoi Jack:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
陳君海係香港警察嘅一份子。Chan Kwan Hoi Jack is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

黃嘉虹 Wong Ka Hung:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
黃嘉虹係香港警察嘅一份子。Wong Ka Hung is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

楊志輝 Yeung Chi Fai:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
楊志輝係香港警察嘅一份子。Yeung Chi Fai is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

陳文贊 Chan Man Chan:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
陳文贊係香港警察嘅一份子。Chan Man Chan is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

何少良 Ho Siu Leung:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
何少良係香港警察嘅一份子。Ho Siu Leung is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

薛雲曦 Sit Wan Hei:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
薛雲曦係香港警察嘅一份子。Sit Wan Hei is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

劉翠珊 Lau Chui Shan:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
劉翠珊係香港警察嘅一份子。Lau Chui Shan is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.

Personal Particulars

莊敏姿 Chong Man Chi:香港警察 Hong Kong Police
莊敏姿係香港警察嘅一份子。Chong Man Chi is one of the members of Hong Kong Police.