Author: 陳妍茵
2021-11-08(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 袁志偉 |
English Name | Yuen Chi Wai Keith |
Age / Date of Birth | 1956-05-24 |
Gender | 男 |
Phone Number | 91986143 |
Special ID | E8050027 |
Schools attended | 金文泰中學、香港浸會大學傳理學院新聞系 |
Addresses | 香港何文田亞皆老街154-164號 寶雲閣5座4樓B室|Flat B, 4/F, Block 5, Balwin Court, 154-164 Argyle Street, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Occupation | News Director of HKTVB 無綫電視新聞部總監 |
Source (Telegram) | Son Finds Parents #C0757 |
As the director of the news department of the largest local television broadcast company, he actively censors information from the pro-democratic parties and spreads CCP propaganda using the only public and free news channel (“袁花長年掌新聞部”, 2020).
Reference: 【TVB變天】袁花長年掌新聞部 良心員工逃亡 「反送中審查加劇」. (2019 December 16). AppleDaily.
Last Updated: 2021-11-08
Personal Particulars
The Hong Kong government has assigned him as one of the designated judges, for handling cases related to the recently imposed national security law by the Chinese government (“高院法官周家明獲任指定法官”, 2020).他獲 ...
Personal Particulars
Leung Hui Tung Nicole 係一名親中派嘅人。佢曾經幫支持警察嘅食肆「養心殿」宣傳,又指示威者要嘅「自由」只係逃避責任。現時佢主要係Instagram炒讀演唱會門票及販售不明來歷嘅美容品為生。
Personal Particulars
Kit Tang係一名親中派嘅人。佢曾經係Facebook發表支持元朗恐佈分子嘅言論。