Author: 陳妍茵
2021-11-08(Personal Particulars)
Details |
Chinese Name | 黃定光 |
English Name | Wong Ting Kwong |
Age / Date of Birth | 1949-09-12 |
Gender | 男 |
Special ID | E6180098 |
Schools attended | 香島中學、中國廣州市第六中學 |
Addresses | 香港新界荃灣油柑頭悠麗路 18 號恒麗園 3 座 26 樓 A 室|Flat A, 26/F, Block 3, Hanley Villa, Yau Lai Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong |
Social Media Accounts | Steven Wong (Facebook) |
Occupation | Members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong 香港立法會議員 |
Source (Telegram) | Son Finds Parents #C1110 |
He had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law on Hong Kong (“建制派硬撐國安法”, 2020).
Reference: 建制派硬撐國安法:唔掂嗰四樣嘢就唔會有影響. (2020 May 24). 香港獨立媒體.
Relative:伴侶 | |
Name | 林淑儀 |
Relative:父親 | |
Name | 黃佩球 |
Relative:母親 | |
Name | 阮祿安 |
Last Updated: 2021-11-08
Personal Particulars
Calvin So係一名撐警藍絲,支持香港警察濫權濫捕並為此歡呼。佢曾經係Facebook發表支持香港警察嘅言論,詳見下圖:
Personal Particulars
He had provided his public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law on Hong Kong citizens and expressed his support for the Hong Kong police’s brutality against citizen. ...
Personal Particulars