Buchi Candle:黃色商家(香薰蠟燭)

Author: 陳妍茵

2021-01-31(Good & Bad Shops)

Categories: 黃色商家


Name Buchi Candle
Stance 黃色商家
Type 家品雜貨
Goods provided 香薰蠟燭
Contact number 51694428
Social Media Accounts joanna111773@gmail.com (電郵)
https://www.facebook.com/buchi_candle-109772783990177 (Facebook)
https://www.instagram.com/buchi_candle/ (Instgram)
Sources 終極黃藍地圖


【商品 / 服務種類】蠟燭, 精油蠟燭, 香薰, 香氣產品, 調香, Candle, Handmakecandle, 大豆蠟燭, 茶燭, 蠟牌, 節日禮物, 情侶禮物, 訂製蠟燭, 香薰蠟燭


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Last Updated: 2022-06-26

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