
Author: 陳妍茵

2020-05-31(Good & Bad Shops)


Name 生龍清湯腩
Stance 立場有爭議之商家
Type 飲食
Goods provided 咪嘥嘢食店
Address 荃灣荃灣兆和街28號地下
Contact number 26159222
Average spending $50以下
Sources 終極黃藍地圖


【餐廳種類】港式:粉麵/米線, 咖喱

〔黃店報料〕 網友1報料指:29/9 I was at the shop eating, hearing multiple waitresses and a customer talking to one another. The guy is working at MTR and he was complaining the company for their shit act. I heard that MTR are forbidding the staff to wear helmets or any protection. They are also not cleaning up the filters of the cartridge ventilation system until numerous staff speaking out on this. It was a harmonious conversation, so I made conclusion that they are yellow 網友2 報料指:員工不斷更新資訊支援手足, 表示支持示威者, 並稱煲底相見 網友3 報料指:17/11 好多餐廳都閂左, 我地搵到去呢間, 個老細話會開到朝早六點接濟我地, 有事可以跑過去, 員工對黑衫手足都nice

〔藍店報料〕 網友4報料指:播TVB,老細係大中華膠,話呢度係五星旗嘅地方,唔中意就走

This data is automatically downloaded and synchronized to our website from the specified data source which are specialized in collecting information yellow and blue shops. If there are any details that has to be modified, please notify the source of data first. Our website will automatically update the data periodically.

Last Updated: 2022-06-03

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以下為整合之商家資料:【只屬傳言】網友1報料指: 收銀呀姐不斷話後生仔搞搞震,有書唔讀淨係識搞亂香港,中國出埋解放軍仲好,仲讚揚警察冇做錯 網友2報料指: 本人跟太子女交談過,她表明並不是藍的,事件是因一名員工之言論,並不是該舖之立場,她們亦已叮囑員工不能有此言論