
Author: 陳妍茵

2020-01-13(Good & Bad Shops)

Categories: 藍色商家


Name 生興龍麵食
Stance 藍色商家
Type 飲食
Address 屯門鄉事會路
Average spending $50以下
Sources 終極黃藍地圖



網友報料指:煮麵嘰人同個大陸婆食客話示威者搞事者, 因為最近輕鐵站入站機同買飛機都俾輕鐵公司包住左, 話示威者搞搞陣, 搞到唔安寧, 第一身聽到

This data is automatically downloaded and synchronized to our website from the specified data source which are specialized in collecting information yellow and blue shops. If there are any details that has to be modified, please notify the source of data first. Our website will automatically update the data periodically.

Last Updated: 2022-06-03

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Good & Bad Shops

以下為整合之商家資料:【餐廳種類】日本菜:廚師發辦 【只屬傳言】網友報料指: 吧枱後的壽司師傅討論好多食材因疫情被浪費,其中一位師傅表示確診宗數回落,「遲下一取消限聚令,班冚家產又會出嚟光復香港」參考圖片:https://ibb.co/H7PqJpw


Good & Bad Shops

以下為整合之商家資料:【老闆/店員私下言論】心聲琴行行政總監李啟立是民建聯的區議員, 他爸爸亦是前警員。另外一位太子女的丈夫是鄉事派的沈豪傑。資料來源:https://lihkg.com/thread/1663986/page/1

Lia's Bakery:藍色商家(飲食)

Good & Bad Shops

以下為整合之商家資料:【老闆/店員私下言論】老闆Cecilia Wong 在個人Facebook認為後生攪事, 認為popo 721拉左人執左法仲想點參考圖片:https://ibb.co/MZp6gVJhttps://ibb.co/qF1tr5mhttps://ibb.co/QJCZRzthttps://ibb.co/PWbYrLv