詳細資料 |
中文姓名 | 董建華 |
英文姓名 | Tung Chee Hwa |
年齡 / 出生日期 | 1937-05-29 |
性別 | 男 |
特殊號碼 | A8100147 |
就讀學校 | 中華中學、利物浦大學 |
地址 | 2/F, Block D, Grenville House, 1-3 Magazine Gap Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong|香港港島半山馬己仙峽道1至3號嘉慧園D座2樓 |
職業 | First Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). 香港特別行政區首任行政長官、中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會副主席 |
來源Telegram頻道 | 阿仔搵老豆老母 #C1250 |
He had provided his public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law in Hong Kong, and claimed that the new legislation could repress anti-CCP groups from so-called foreign powers.
Reference: ThinkHK思考香港. (2020 August 6). 董建華: 國安法有效防止外國反華勢力 [Video File]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra1lgW1pWBI
親屬:伴侶 | |
姓名 | 趙洪娉 |
出生日期 | 1936-05-06 |
特殊號碼 | A8125581 |
親屬:父親 | |
姓名 | 董浩雲 |
親屬:母親 | |
姓名 | 顧麗真 |
親屬:兒子 | |
姓名 | 董立均 |
親屬:兒子 | |
姓名 | 董立新 |
親屬:女兒 | |
姓名 | 董立筠 |
He had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law directly, without any consent from Hong Kong citizens (“大公訪談范鴻齡”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪香港市民各 ...
He / She works for a media agency that is under the control of the Chinese Community Party. He / She is responsible for delivering pro-CCP information, spreading propaganda for the Chinese government, ...