Author: 陳妍茵
2020-03-30(Records of Police Abuse)
Details |
Code | 201910016 |
Source | 大紀元時報 Epoch Times |
Online Links | |
Date & Time | 2019-10-07 |
Acts of Police | Violating the guidelines and principles on the use of force、Obsurcting journalists' reporting |
On 7th October, police chased at Nathan Road in Mongkok, Kowloon. When there was no sight of protesters, police, without obtaining any search warrant, attempted to step into a private building block and reporters were being driven by shields and batons without any proper reason, thus they were unable to perform reporting.
Last Updated: 2020-03-30
Records of Police Abuse
影片8秒開始可見以胡椒噴向沒有攻擊舉動的示威者, 涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。而過份武力對待被拘捕人士,在沒有合理辨解下,亦可能違反《侵害人身罪條例》各條。
Records of Police Abuse
Records of Police Abuse
妨礙記者採訪:影片開首 15 秒,可見持盾警員突然推撞不少身穿反光衣的記者,直至有社工大叫「記者記者」才稍為收斂。這涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。而過份武力對待被拘捕人士,在沒有合理辨解下,亦可能違反《侵害人身罪條例》各條。這亦涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05),警務人員應盡可能協助新聞媒體工作者的採訪工作。