Flower Actually:黃色商家(花藝)

Author: 陳妍茵

2020-01-13(Good & Bad Shops)

Categories: 黃色商家


Name Flower Actually
Stance 黃色商家
Type 花藝
Address 尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行誠品生活 2/F L221
Contact number 6800 3587
Social Media Accounts https://www.floweractually.com(官方網站)|https://www.facebook.com/theFlowerActually/(Facebook)|https://www.instagram.com/flower_actually/(Instagram)|https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe42Z5bKxTZ4hWJki24POpA(Youtube)
Sources 終極黃藍地圖、和你查



【商品 / 服務種類】花, 花束, 年花, 花籃, 鮮花, 畢業花, 畢業花束




A premium florist in HK providing bouquets for various occasions.
Flower Actually 為一般社團法人 Academie d'Art Floral Francais日本總部認定校
Eslite Spectrum TST



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Last Updated: 2022-11-06

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