Author: 陳妍茵
2020-03-30(Records of Police Abuse)
Details |
Code | 201910035 |
Source | 看中國 Vision Times |
Online Links | |
Date & Time | 2019-10-27 |
Acts of Police | Violating the guidelines and principles on the use of force、Obsurcting journalists' reporting、Treating citizens rudely |
A guy without any gear but just a facemask walking along the Tsimshatsui East area, Kowloon, was suddenly grasped by a riot police who tore off the mask and questioned the man. Meanwhile, other riot police obstructed reporters from getting close to take pictures. They also ran and chased in the park for those who wearing facemask.
Last Updated: 2020-03-30
Records of Police Abuse
(a)(b)阻撓記者採訪,用強光照射記者,涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05) - 警務人員應盡可能協助新聞媒體工作者的採訪工作。無舉旗警告下放催淚彈,這亦涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。而過份武力對待被拘捕人士,在沒有合理辨解下,亦可能違反《侵害人身罪條例》各條。
Records of Police Abuse
片中00:25 秒,警方用強光照射記者,涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05) - 警務人員應盡可能協助新聞媒體工作者的採訪工作。
Records of Police Abuse
影片中可見,速龍小隊不斷向著一方推進同時,不斷揮舞警棍,無差別驅趕所有人離開。一名商台記者清楚說出自己是記者,表明身份,卻被警員以「記你老母」回應,並被其趕上正義道。這涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05),警務人員應盡可能協助新聞媒體工作者的採訪工作。