Police Misconduct 10017: Abusive Violence

Author: 陳妍茵

2020-03-30(Records of Police Abuse)

This record was created by NOPAID ("Netizens Organizing Police Abuse Investigation Data"), with CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
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Code 201910017
Source 大紀元時報 Epoch Times
Online Links https://youtu.be/PopJRDCmJ6A
Date & Time 2019-10-07
Acts of Police Violating the guidelines and principles on the use of force

On October 7, despite the security guards of MOS Town at Ma On Shan, New Territories, tried to dissuade the police from entering the private property without search warrant, the riot police entered into the mall by force and caught at least one citizen.
Remark – relevant 5 security guards of MOS Town were charged “obstruct a police officer in the execution of his duty” by Shatin district, Hong Kong Police, on October 9, two days after the incident.

Last Updated: 2020-03-30

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Records of Police Abuse

【23:00 太古】防暴警衝入太古站,在扶手電梯追捕示威者,有示威者被制服,雙手被綁帶走,有人頭部受傷,當中包括長者。其間多名速龍小隊持槍在站內向示威者開槍,有警員於不足一米距離向示威者瘋狂掃射,更有示威者被制服地上仍被警員亂棍毆打,甚至用腳狂踢頭部,更有警員將示威者推落扶手電梯。(林幸泉攝)