A Call to International Protesters: Join Us to Defeat Tyranny
We are Hong Kong Chronicles, a team of individuals in Hong Kong who are joining to fight for democracy and freedom since June 2019. We originally envisioned the creation of a historical record through ...
He had provided support to the Hong Kong government in drafting new laws on protecting CCP’s power and restricting Hong Kong citizens’ freedoms of speech, assembly, publication, and other rights (“前新聞 ...
As the chairman of privacy commissioners of Hong Kong, he has provided support to Chinese state agencies invading Hong Kong citizens’ privacy and conducting surveillance for national security reasons, ...
As the director of the news department of the largest local television broadcast company, he actively censors information from the pro-democratic parties and spreads CCP propaganda using the only publ ...
She had provided support to the Hong Kong government in passing new laws using the name of national security, which restrict Hong Kong citizen’s rights and freedoms (“范徐麗泰傾向基本法23條立法”, 2020).她曾公開支持中國共產 ...
He had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law on Hong Kong (“建制派硬撐國安法”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪香港市民各項自由。Reference: 建制派硬撐國安法:唔掂嗰四樣嘢就唔會有影響. (2 ...
She had provided public support to the Chinese government and suggested methods to circumvent Hong Kong’s legislative council to impose the national security law directly, without consent or represent ...
梁飛鵬 Leung Fei Pang:香港警察
梁飛鵬係香港警察嘅一份子。 Leung Fei Pang is one of the members of Hong Kong Police. 據熟悉梁飛鵬嘅人所講,佢曾經同一名菲律賓女傭性交以致佢懷孕,焗梁飛鵬娶佢。 佢係2020-07-07曾經係Facebook二手車交易群組入面,放售自己嘅私家車,見下圖: