詳細資料 |
事件編號 | 201910045 |
來源 | 大紀元時報 Epoch Times|香港城市大學學生會城市廣播 City Broadcasting Channel of City University of Hong Kong Students' Union |
網絡連結 | https://youtu.be/5uDfPpeSX_M|https://youtu.be/he7NN1KuJNE |
日期及時間 | 2019-10-31 |
警察行徑 | Violating the guidelines and principles on the use of force、Treating citizens rudely |
A group of riot police rushed into a sitting-out area nearby the Allied Plaza in Mongkok, Kowloon, and used batons to hit the residents (Including elderly). And they beat the head of a social worker there, causing the man suffered from serious bleeding. Afterward, a social worker was waiting for the ambulance coming to offer medical treatment to aforementioned wounded social worker. In the midst of her complaint about the incident, a riot police suddenly sprayed pepper-water in close distance.
In Central, Hong Kong Island, a riot police arrested a lady, pulled her backpack and dragged her for about 10 meters.
(a)(b)在影片10秒至18秒可見警員在未有警示下向橋上的記者及市民開胡椒彈槍,18秒記者展示手臂疑似受胡椒彈打中。這涉嫌違反《公安條例》第17條中,表明警務人員在阻止公眾聚集舉行,或停止或解散公眾聚集時,只可以使用「合理所需的武力」。而過份武力對待被拘捕人士,在沒有合理辨解下,亦可能違反《侵害人身罪條例》各條。警方以各種手段阻撓記者採訪,涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05),警務人員應盡可能協助新 ...
在影片18和30秒可見警員以強光閃向記者。涉嫌違反警察通例 (39-05),警務人員應盡可能協助新聞媒體工作者的採訪工作。