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Naomi's Corner

關於香港使用者無法連接至本站之聲明 Announcement for the connection problem faced by Hong Kong users
致香港編年史使用者: 自2021年1月6日晚上起,本站總編輯陳妍茵接連收到身處香港之使用者報告。他們指出在使用部份香港網絡供應商的服務時,無法連線至本站。在翻查統計數據後,我們亦發現來自香港的使用者數量大幅下跌。網絡上亦相繼出現多種關於本站服務情況的猜測。就此情形,陳妍茵在此先澄清一個誤解:本站從來沒有選擇性封禁部份地區或特定網絡供應商的IP,未來亦不打算如此做。 香港編年史的其中一個宗旨正是將資 ...

Naomi's Corner

A Call to International Protesters: Join Us to Defeat Tyranny
We are Hong Kong Chronicles, a team of individuals in Hong Kong who are joining to fight for democracy and freedom since June 2019. We originally envisioned the creation of a historical record through ...

Latest Data

Personal Particulars

He had provided support to the Hong Kong government in drafting new laws on protecting CCP’s power and restricting Hong Kong citizens’ freedoms of speech, assembly, publication, and other rights (“前新聞 ...

Personal Particulars

As the chairman of privacy commissioners of Hong Kong, he has provided support to Chinese state agencies invading Hong Kong citizens’ privacy and conducting surveillance for national security reasons, ...

Personal Particulars

As the director of the news department of the largest local television broadcast company, he actively censors information from the pro-democratic parties and spreads CCP propaganda using the only publ ...

Personal Particulars

She had provided support to the Hong Kong government in passing new laws using the name of national security, which restrict Hong Kong citizen’s rights and freedoms (“范徐麗泰傾向基本法23條立法”, 2020).她曾公開支持中國共產 ...

Personal Particulars

He had provided public support to the Chinese government in imposing the national security law on Hong Kong (“建制派硬撐國安法”, 2020).他曾公開支持中國共產黨政府在香港強行實施國家安全法,剝奪香港市民各項自由。Reference: 建制派硬撐國安法:唔掂嗰四樣嘢就唔會有影響. (2 ...

Selected Articles

最右為Calvin Lai,左為妻子及女兒

Personal Particulars

Calvin Lai:香港警察 UI3107
Calvin Lai係香港警察嘅一份子。佢妻子曾經政治舉報港龍航空工會主席,詳見親屬資料。

Records of Police Abuse

【警察襲擊清真寺】香港警察以水炮車襲擊九龍尖沙咀清真寺,門外 10 多位信徒及市民,包括印度協會前主席,融樂會總幹事及譚文豪在內全部被水炮射中。

Personal Particulars

He is one of the representatives of National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR region. He is supportive to the current totalitarian Chinese regime and was hostil ...

Personal Particulars

歐焯權:香港警察 UI26233
歐焯權為香港警察的一份子。據親近人士指出,佢係 2019-07-17(元朗恐襲前4日)就已經係個人Facebook多謝元朗白衫恐佈份子,又曾取笑約一個月後舉辦嘅基督教遊行,又經常支持警察打「曱甴」。

Personal Particulars

馮凱駿 Anthony:香港警察,特別戰術小隊
馮凱駿係一個香港警察,曾經擔任俗稱速龍嘅特別戰術小隊成員,負責係條街度用警棍毆打同濫捕市民。以下係佢喺2019年8月4日港島西示威中出現嘅相: 除此之外,馮凱駿已經結婚,但在外偷情,曾經向第三者表示「老婆唔愛佢」,「大仔唔似佢」等等,以下係佢喺WhatsApp聯絡情人嘅對話紀錄: